Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spoiled Children are Running the American Government

Imagine that there was a household in which the children were out of control.  We've seen it on television "nanny" shows, so it's not so far-fetched.

In this household, the children were never accustomed to being told "No."  And when the adults in the house actually made decisions for themselves, one parent tuned out, and the other parent always gave in.  The children were allowed to watch television into all hours of the night.  Every time they went into a store where there was the latest toy, they begged and begged and begged until a parent gave in.  Every time they went into a store this happened.  Every weekend the family went out to eat, and often weekdays.  They put everything on the credit cards.  When one of the children turned 15, he wanted the parents to go out and get him his new truck, which, when he obtained his license at 16, he promptly went out and wrecked the truck.  

One day, the father's bills overtook his ability to pay.  The bills kept coming even though there was not enough money coming in.  The parents panicked and, cut up the credit cards.  How do you think the kids reacted when they were cut off?  They took it out on the parents.  They berated them, chastised them, fought with them, told them that their friends would hate them.  If the parents had started saying NO a long time ago and sticking to their guns, something could have been done.

We have spoiled children in the presidency of the United States, and the Senate.  They are in consultations with the parents who have always had trouble saying NO.  There is no option, they are going to have to cut, and cut massively.  They are going to have to turn off the cable, quit going out to eat, quit going to movies, downgrade to more affordable cars, cut out the excess toys, quit giving allowances and make the children get jobs of their own if they want spending money.  The family will have to stop going on expensive vacations for a few years, and they will have to make the kids pay for their own college on top of it.  Their friends are going to cry foul, and scream, and gripe at them, because they have no one to drive them around anymore or pay for their movies.

The credit company always ends up getting their money.  Many American people have lost their jobs; some are unwilling to cut up the credit cards.  Others are ready to "get a divorce, sell everything, write off the spoiled brats."  They've had it.

The spoiled brats are - those who refuse to see that our country needs to cut spending drastically, the President, the Democratic Party (who can't stop giving out favors or they won't get elected anymore).

The father is the Republican Party who have never had the guts to say NO, until the situation became drastic.
The mother who wants a divorce are all the people who are fed up with all of it, and are ready to move to states where the governors are acting responsibly, and ready to vote all of the irresponsible people that they can out of office.

The "friends" are all of the supporters of the Democrat party who can't let go of the gravy train of goodies and freebies and irresponsible spending, as well as all the foreign governments that are collecting freebies from us.  
It's a drastic situation right now.  Pray for our nation.  Vote OUT all the brats.  Get with the program.  America needs you to tune in to the situation and quit being apathetic about what happens in government.  Don't CAVE in John Boehner.  You are holding all the cards.  The voters will be watching all of you politicians intently.  We're tired of paying for your irresponsible spending sprees.   

Another interesting article:

Addendum:  As of noon, July 12, 2011 - Is "dad" finally getting serious?


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