Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Tyrant Congress of 2009

If I heard correctly when I was listening to Hugh Hewitt this evening, it was pointed out by an Indiana congressman that the Democrats of congress voted against continuing the moratorium on the "Fairness Doctrine."  

I will try to keep as updated on this topic as possible, but should Democrats bring back the "Fairness Doctrine" this move is at its heart an attempt to put a muzzle on the (at least) 45.7 % of voting Americans who voted against Barack Obama.  Will this mean that this very large group of Americans will essentially not have a voice on radio or TV?  

Just so the ignorant people out there who believe it was Republicans who were running congress last year, and still believe Republicans run congress right now know-congress has been in Democrat control since 2007 (after the Republicans were defeated in 2006).  Just thought I'd let you know.   Hugs and kisses from the tyrant DEMOCRAT congress of 2009.  -Cal Samuel August

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