Friday, February 20, 2009

How to Lose an Economy in 10 Days

Houston, we have a problem. You’ve heard a lot about the tanking economy. You’ve heard a lot about how government is going to bail out all the deadbeats of society, while punishing those who actually are producing and driving society with higher taxes.

This should bother you. Why should the government take more of the money you worked your behind off for, while the deadbeats who didn’t get their mortgages (and their digital TV conversions, and probably their cable bill too) taken care of by the government?

While you worked hard, paid off your credit cards, your cars, and so on in a responsible manner, the irresponsible people of government who can’t get their wasteful and useless spending under control will be raising your taxes soon to pay for their “stimulus” bill.

Our government, filled with many who have never had to run a business and follow sound business principles is doing some serious meddling in our economy, and this should make you really mad.

I’ve heard a particular quote from Reagan replayed a lot in recent days. This one: “In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.” It’s amazing to think that many of the same problems you’re hearing about with our economy right now are many of the same kinds of problems that were faced when Ronald Reagan took the oath of office in 1981.

When you elected Obama, perhaps you believed the words “Yes we can!” Certainly “Yes we can!” in many ways embodies the American Spirit. However, those in governance at this very time don’t seem to believe those words themselves. Government has grown far beyond the boundaries it should be limited to. Believe the words, “Yes we can!” Don’t believe those words when they come from someone who says and believes that government is the only one who can fix the problem. Government as usual, IS the PROBLEM! The only way government can fix the problem is by limiting itself, and by cutting its spending.

Whether you’re against Obama or for Obama, you would do well to understand that it is not government that has the power to solve our economy’s problems. Government is causing many of them through its terrible tampering and meddling with the economy.

Here’s an assignment. Go and check out two excellent resources. Read Ronald Reagan’s first Inaugural speech. This was a speech of great substance:

Next, go and check out a short, but independently produced video about the proper role of our government in society:

Learn this lesson well. Our system of government is a REPUBLIC, not a Democracy. Protect the Republic and save our nation. A Republic holds to the principle of LIMITED government and the proper rule of law. Only by having a limited government can our freedoms in this great nation be preserved.

For comparison: The theme of Obama's presidency might be Yes WE* can. But the unstated idea is No YOU can't. [*"We" means, "the elitists who became that way because we prefer nosing our way into other people's business by being in government since we know best and telling you how to run your life.]

Thanks for listening to me vent.

-Cal Samuel August

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