Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Things You Won't Learn in Public Education

Please turn your attention to the right side of the page. Scroll down, and you'll find a list of links I call "Things Your Probably Won't Learn in Public Education." This list will grow in time, and is intended to be helpful in your "conservative" development. With government interference in education, more and more we're going to have to teach our children the things they should be learning in the first place. Honestly parents, it's up to you to make sure children are getting these things anyway. Speaking as a Christian, those who are Christians must first and foremost be teaching their children the basics of the Bible and the Christian faith. Parents, study the Bible with your children! It is a crucial foundation of life and also of American civilization.

Secondly, conservatives must teach their children the basics of conservatism. Along with those things, I think you'll find that public education is deficient in general. More and more it seems we learn of cases where you wonder if school systems are trying to take the "l" out of "public education." It seems like in so many areas children are being taught propaganda and sex education instead of learning key things: parents have to be helping make sure students are getting a solid foundation in math, science, and language (not just English and other modern languages, but foundational languages like Latin and Greek), but also Western Civilization, which is key to understanding the foundations of American society. An unlimited sex education is not going to help our children get nor create the jobs that our necessary for a solid economy. Parents, you're going to have to do your job, and that is, guide your children, and make sure they get the education they need. Don't leave it up to the government. Have additional thoughts about education? Add your 2 cents below . . . .

Additional news:
They are many sites that spotlight government absurdity. One of my favorite commentators and writers that last several years has been Michelle Malkin. Malkin does a great job of putting a spotlight on government and media stupidity. I've added her link to my link list at the side of this page. If you wish to go see her site now, check it out:


Keep it going in the free world! -Cal Samuel August

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